About techni

MC Automations

MC Automations

MC Automations is a worldwide recognized Italian manufacturer of wrapping machines for chocolate pralines, moulded and enrobed, wafer and nougat, fondant, fruit, marshmallow and jelly products coated with chocolate, chocolate bars and tablets.

During the last years MC Automations has dedicated its resources to studying and manufacturing wrapping lines, simple though innovative for the applied concepts.

The success of the MC Automations comes from a close cooperation with our Customers.
We share with them our skilled advice on product handling to get the highest production efficiency.

MC Automations is proud to contribute to the success of its Customers !

Klik hier voor de website van MC Automations

Pro Sweets Cologne

Pro Sweets Cologne

It is the only trade fair of its kind worldwide – ProSweets Cologne offers the complete range of supplies for the sweets and snacks industry: from innovative ingredients, to pioneering packing solutions, through to optimised production technologies.

In effective conjunction with ISM, the world’s leading trade fair for sweets and snacks, ProSweets Cologne covered the entire value chain of the industry. From 28.01. to 31.01.2018 the trade fair duo is placed once again in the industry’s focus on Cologne.

Interpack 2020

Interpack 2020

The dates for interpack 2020 have been set

components parallel again
Following the Düsseldorf trade fair cycle, the next interpack at the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre will be held in three years’ time, from 7 to 13 May 2020. The last interpack, which took place in May this year and attracted 2,865 exhibitors and 170,500 visitors, met with a highly positive response among the companies that came. Exhibitors praised, above all, the quality of the German and international visitors and their strikingly high willingness to place orders. A number of firms said they had never received so many specific orders during a trade fair before.

By the year 2030 Messe Düsseldorf will have invested a total of EUR 636 million from its own funds in the expansion and modernisation of the exhibition centre. One milestone to welcome exhibitors and visitors at interpack 2020 will be the completely redesigned South Entrance and a new Hall 1. The new building will replace the former Halls 1 and 2 in summer 2019, buildings whose basic substance dates back to the 1970s. The new Hall 1 will have a capacity of 12,025 square metres, so that interpack 2020 will have just over 550 additional square metres of hall space compared with the previous facilities. In addition to a new Hall 1, the new complex will have a foyer directly outside, about 2,100 square metres in size, with a 17-metre (56-foot) steeply pointed canopy made from translucent glass fibre fabric with integrated LED lighting. It will have six meeting rooms and direct access to Congress Centre Süd.

The suppliers’ trade fair components – special trade fair by interpack will run completely in parallel with interpack again in 2020 and will be held at a central location within the exhibition centre. This idea met with a highly positive response among this year’s exhibitors, so that expansion options are now being explored for 2020.

Any companies wanting to exhibit at either interpack or components in 2020, can register at a much earlier stage this time – at the end of 2017. The official closing date will be sometime in spring 2019, and the precise details will be announced by Messe Düsseldorf in due course.



Never being satisfied by the state-of-the-art. Continuously developing new technologies bringing our customers a big step ahead: This motto of DIOSNA has not changed for 125 years.

DIOSNA is geared as a company to supply the international bakery and food industries as well as the pharmaceutical and chemical industries with highly developed production and laboratory plants and equipment.

Klik hier voor de website van Diosna



Tonelli manufactures planetary and continuous mixing systems as well as cake processing lines. Tonelli has always been a top choice for confectionery and bakery manufacturers and continues to be the world’s top selling planetary mixer with more than 6000 references worldwide. Such experience brings constant design improvement, technological innovation and improved reliability.

Klik hier voor de website van Tonelli



Apparate- & Behältertechnik Heldrungen GmbH designs and produces stainless steel storage tanks, pressure and process vessels for various application. Our products fulfil highest quality standards and are tailored to the process-engineering requirements of our customers.

High professional qualification and motivation as well as many years of experience of our personnel guarantee solutions on the highest level and of greatest complexity. As to particular needs and expectations of our customers we deliver technical systems and components which are strictly designed for functionality, efficiency and stable value in the respective area of application.

Klik hier voor de website van Behaeltertec



Bakon ontwikkelt en produceert spuit-, doseer- en snijmachines voor ambachtelijke en industriële banketbakkers die eisen stellen.

De dagelijkse praktijk is onze leerschool. Banketbakkers van overal ter wereld voeden ons met vragen. Op deze vragen bedenken we passende oplossingen en realiseren we perfecte machines. Machines waarmee banketbakkers sneller, efficiënter, effectiever en prettiger werken en betere producten neerzetten.

Stel gerust uw vraag: We staan voor u klaar.

Klik hier voor de website van Bakon

Holland systemen

Holland systemen

Holland Bakkerij Systemen ontwikkelt machines voor de brood- en banketbakkerij. De bedoeling van deze website is dat u een impressie krijgt van machines en besturingen die door ons zijn gebouwd.

Holland Bakkerij Systemen is al ruim 20 jaar in de brood- en banketbakkerijen branche actief. Door deze jarenlange ervaring kan er veel expertise en ‘knowhow’ in nieuwe projecten of producten gestoken worden.

Voor ons is het erg belangrijk dat u zo lang mogelijk plezier heeft van ons product. Daarom werken wij uitsluitend met biologische producten en duurzame materialen. Milieubewust werken staat erg hoog in ons vaandel!

Klik hier voor de website van Holland Systemen



Esperienza, qualità, tecnologia e ricerca sono i punti cardinali di ERREBI Technology, una ditta che più di 30 anni produce stampi per biscotti. Fondata nel 1961, dall’intraprendenza di persone che credono fermamente nei valori umani e che ancora oggi dirigono questa ditta, coinvolgendo le proprie maestranze, al fine di assicurare ai loro clienti prodotti di elevata qualità ed una consegna tempestiva.

Klik hier voor de website van Errebi



Der Spezialist für Flachwaffeln und Hohlkörperwaffeln

HEBENSTREIT bietet mit mehr als 100 Jahren Erfahrung vollautomatische Produktionsanlagen für Flach- und Hohlkörperwaffeln – von der Teigherstellung bis zu den automatischen Beschickungseinrichtungen für nachgeschaltete Verpackungsmaschinen, Überziehanlagen oder Eintafelanlagen. Und dies alles weltweit als einziger Lieferant entwickelt und hergestellt in Deutschland.

Das HEBENSTREIT-Programm umfasst:

  • Waffelbackautomaten
  • Waffelblattkühler
  • Konditionierer
  • Waffel-Streichmaschinen
  • Waffelblockkühler
  • Waffelschneidemaschinen
  • Beschickungseinrichtungen
  • Spezialausrüstungen
  • Teig-Herstellungsanlagen
  • Creme-Herstellungsanlagen
  • ​Compact-Anlagen

Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für die Realisierung immer neuer Produktideen ist eine unserer Stärken.
Wir behaupten unseren Marktanteil gerade im Bereich des technisch besonders anspruchsvollen Kundenkreises.

Klik hier voor de website van Hebenstreit

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